@4 |Color Palette| is used by 4, 16, and 256 color or gray-level displays to set displayable colors. The Color Palette is also used when choosing colors for draw objects. * |256 Grays:| Loads a standard palette of 256 grays. |16 Grays:| 16 grays are displayed. |Paste| colors copied using the |Copy| command replace colors beginning with the first selected color, if any. |Copy| copies the selected colors into a copy buffer for later use of a |Paste|. * * |Import:| reads color palettes from files, including project files, preferences file, and some color paint files. |256 Colors:| The default values for 256 colors are loaded into the palette. |Picker…|, changes selected color to any choice. To enable, click on a color in the Preview. Double-click a color to directly call the 'Picker'. * |Undo:| reverts last change. To completely revert, Cancel and reenter the dialog. |16 Colors:| 16 colors are available. |Blend:| blends colors from the first to the last selected color. At least 3 colors must be selected. |Preview:| click to select one color. Drag to select a rectangle of colors. To swap two colors, select one and, while holding the Option key, click another color. * @2 @1